Our Products

The quality of substances the Original Pavlovic Ointment is prepared of greatly contributes to its effectiveness.Lanolin is the base for all three types of products bearing the name of Original Pavlovic Ointment.  It is a natural fatty substance of animal origin which protects sheep’s wool.  It is secreted by the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals. Medical-grade lanolin is a pure, hypoallergenic bacteriostat. Studies have shown that it is especially efficient for the treatment of open nipple wounds, cracks and rhagades in breastfeeding mothers.Lanolin is exceptionally broadly used for cosmetic purposes.  Namely, this “wool fat” treats, softens and hydrates skin and it helps to enhance its longevity and recover its natural moisturizing. It is also effective for the treatment of chapped lips, cracked heels, diaper rash, skin itching and abrasions, minor burns and lacerations.  

As already known, the Original Pavlovic Baby Ointment  is used as a barrier cream for diaper area in babies, while the Original Pavlovic Family Ointment is used as a face and body care cream by all members of the family, from 3 to 103 years of age.

The newest formula of the Original Pavlovic Ointment containing ectoin, has immuno and UV-protection properties and therefore it is recommended for persons of all ages but it could also be used as the premium baby care cream for diaper areas in babies.